• Telefone: (+351) 217 581 205
  • alamos@alamoslisboa.org

Youth Association

Youth Association

Álamos – Youth Association seeks to complement university students’ academic education through a diversified programme that helps each student develop as a person, as a student and as a citizen, maximizing their capabilities.

Álamos looks to foster:

  • The value of the University and academic ideals,
  • The importance of continuous training,
  • A spirit of solidarity,
  • A sense of personal responsibility for the common go,
  • A spirit of coexistence and healthy camaraderie.

Álamos – Youth Association, as a non-profit organization, strives to balancing its budget daily.

To that end, besides one-off subsidies from private and public entities (of which the Portuguese Institute of Youth stands out), Álamos counts on the contributions of charitable associates who, through their generosity, enable its existence.

Álamos appreciates all the contributions and donations, which can be made out to the Millenium BCP bank account.

IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 0008 8812 8130 5