• Telefone: (+351) 217 581 205
  • alamos@alamoslisboa.org
Life in the residence
Who better than former residents to show you what it means living in Álamos?
Retreats for university students
Have silence to listen to God’s tenderness. Pope Francis
It is not easy to summarize all the sensations or choose “the moment” of these WYD, there were so many. What an experience, what a unique experience, so intense and so special with Christ, Mary and Young People… but still so special, with the beloved Pope Francis. What a message he left us, simple words, but sweet and touching, challenging and full of hope. What a beautiful smile. What an example of youth. (Isabel Costa)

Welcome to Álamos!

Álamos is an University Residence that at the same time pursuits to be a space where students can widen cultural horizons, a space of personal development and informal get together to all of those who attend the Residence. In an environment of responsible freedom, and through a diverse set of activities, we foster personal initiative and creativity and aim to promote behaviours of active citizenship.

Alamos was one of those few places that gave me immense happiness and where I lived one of the best times of my life. In the far distant mind I know that I have a family that is in Portugal and I know that I can count upon them at any moment of my life.

Wafa Arif

residente entre Fevereiro de 2009 e Julho de 2012